Employers must help workers overcome mental health issues

Workplaces must find better ways to help employees overcome mental health issues. (Alexander Raths/Getty Images/iStockphoto)

Workplaces must find better ways to help employees overcome mental health issues.
(Alexander Raths/Getty Images/iStockphoto)

It’s a scenario many managers and human resources personnel understand all too well: John, a high-performing employee, experiences a life-changing event and gradually begins demonstrating behavioural and performance issues at work: outbursts of anger, an increased inability to focus, and a noticeable drop in the quality of his work.

John’s disposition is likely linked to a mental health condition, but his manager is unsure of how to offer support. As time passes, John grows more and more distant from the workplace. Eventually, John either goes on disability leave and never returns, or moves on to a new job where the cycle of behaviour begins again at a new company.

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